Adventures Of Michael and Lynnette

This is the adventures of Michael and Lynnette. Our kids are all grown and all over the place so we did this to keep in touch with them and all the fellow friends who are out there.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We actually got to spend the weekend in Pismo Beach this last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My sister Lori and her husband Bill went with us and Kelli. Lori and Kelli were in the shopping spirit and Kelli got hungry. Notice my colorful purple lip? This is what you get when you go up against an 18 volt power drill and it wins. See if I ever help set up the back stabilizers on the fifth wheel again. OUCH!!!!! We had a great time despite the color purple and made family memories for a lifetime.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mommy Loves Kelli

Small Glimmers of Hope

Kelli has been through more than a 22 year old should ever have to go through. Tuesday night Kelli had a drug reaction to her nausea medicine. We thought she was having a stroke. Scared all three of us, but for 3 1/2 hours we were in a panic. Heavenly Father sent us an angel at 12:00 midnight when a doctor that does her rounds late at night knew exactly what was happening and all she needed was Benadryl. Within 15 seconds Kelli was back. I think Michael and I lost 10 years each in worry. She is doing much better. Last Monday we thought she was going to have to do surgery #3, but they decided to try a suction tube in her stomach, and that seemed to drain a lot of the fluid they were worried about. Today they removed the stomach drain. She is unhooked from all the many Iv's finally and after a 30 pound weight loss, she is within 24 to 48 hours of being sprung. Hopefully soon.......